Interview: Robert Taylor on Talking Black in America

For this interview I had Mr. Taylor view the documentary Talking Black in America, specifically sections 7:40-16:28 and 35:-39:50 as they pertain to the use of Black English in classrooms. Before watching I gave him a list of questions to think about, two of which I had him talk about in the interview. Then I gave him another list of questions to think about that related to what he watched. The final questions that made it to the interview were:

1. Off the top of your head, how have you seen black language portrayed in forms of sequential art (sequential art is movies, comics, shows, animation, etc.)
2. What experiences have you had in your own classroom of different dialects
3. What about the documentary’s argument did/didn’t work?
4. Are there things we can learn from black language (specifically looking at the 35:00-39:50 section)
5. How should we make a place for black English in the classroom

Our interview can be viewed here.


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